Saturday, February 5, 2011

NH labor bill met by strong resistance
Boston Globe
State Representative Al Baldasaro, a Republican from Londonderry and bill co-sponsor, said unions should not force workers to give up their money by telling ...
Right to Work bill draws union fire
Nashua Telegraph
Al Baldasaro, R-Londonderry, said many chose to live in New Hampshire due to its image as an anti-tax without representation state. "It is extortion. ...
NH workers would not have to join union under bill
Boston Globe
Most opposed the bill. State Rep. Al Baldasaro, a Republican from Londonderry and bill co-sponsor, said the fee requirement was extortion.
Crowd debates right-to-work bill
The Union Leader
Al Baldasaro, R-Londonderry, said in contracts that require membership or agency fees, "You're forcing people to give up their money . ...
Latest Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont news, sports, business and ...
Al Baldasaro, a Republican from Londonderry and bill co-sponsor, said the fee requirement was extortion. NH Rep. Guinta holds first town hall meeting ...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kathy Has Some "Splainin" to do by Jim Loiselle

Kathy, "can you explain to me, as I am confused, how asking for court review of the quorum question relates to a plan to "reduce" the school budget."

Thanks for posting this and I thank you for your sincere comments.

I was going to post this letter but you beat me to it!!!

Kathy has lost all credibility with many in town who have read her letter of deceit to the Tax Payers in hopes to get the usual feel bad for the kids mentality that comes out of many School Districts and Legislators to get people to support throwing more dollars at the schools.

I am really ashamed at her for sending out lies throughout our community and Kathy Wagner owes Brian, Sean and myself an apology for this bull.

We have never said we wanted a flat tax, or distorted the truth, but expressed our opinion on an unconstitutional quorum. Because we disagree with Kathy, she is spreading falsehoods about us. The people will decide what happens with the budget not us.

Knowing Kathy, I won't hold my breath waiting.

It's a shame that the School Supporters of the quorum would stoop this low!!!



NH workers would not have to join union under bill
Boston Globe
"State Rep. Al Baldasaro, a Republican from Londonderry and bill co-sponsor, said the fee requirement was extortion."

"State Rep. Al Baldasaro, a Republican from Londonderry and bill co-sponsor, said unions should not force workers to give up their money by telling them they can't work there otherwise.

"It's extortion. It has to stop," he said.

Baldasaro said workers should be able to negotiate individually with companies. If they don't want to be part of a union, they should not get any union services, he said."

However, "New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch told a House committee Thursday he opposes an anti-union right-to-work bill that would end the practice of requiring nonunion members to pay a share of collective bargaining costs."