Thursday, February 3, 2011

NH workers would not have to join union under bill
Boston Globe
"State Rep. Al Baldasaro, a Republican from Londonderry and bill co-sponsor, said the fee requirement was extortion."

"State Rep. Al Baldasaro, a Republican from Londonderry and bill co-sponsor, said unions should not force workers to give up their money by telling them they can't work there otherwise.

"It's extortion. It has to stop," he said.

Baldasaro said workers should be able to negotiate individually with companies. If they don't want to be part of a union, they should not get any union services, he said."

However, "New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch told a House committee Thursday he opposes an anti-union right-to-work bill that would end the practice of requiring nonunion members to pay a share of collective bargaining costs."