Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fw: RELEASE Minority Leader Should Apologize to Veterans and Nazi Victims

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From: HouseRepublicanOffice <HouseRepublicans@leg.state.nh.us>
Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 15:09:34 -0400
To: HouseRepublicanOffice<HouseRepublicans@leg.state.nh.us>
Subject: RELEASE Minority Leader Should Apologize to Veterans and Nazi Victims


Contact: Rep. Al Baldasaro, (603) 858-3535
May 15, 2012


Minority Leader Should Apologize to Veterans and Nazi Victims


CONCORD -- Today in a House session a member attacked the Speaker using a Nazi slogan from the House floor. The Speaker was quick to seek an apology from the member to the entire House, which was affirmed by an overwhelming vote by the House. However, Democrats at their minority leader's direction, chose to follow her lead and vote largely along party lines politicizing an issue that is offensive to all Granite Staters and Americans.


Chairman House State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee, Al Baldasaro (R-Londonderry)


“Rep. Norelli should apologize to World War II veterans, holocaust victims, and their families for attempting to take political advantage over offensive comments instead of condemning ignorant remarks by someone so clearly in the wrong.  Her remarks were ignorant of the history of the many American veterans who fought and paid the ultimate price to protect us from Nazi hordes. There are many members of Jewish heritage in the House of Representatives and Jewish citizens of New Hampshire and Norelli  should apologize for failing to come to their side.”

