Friday, April 15, 2011

Tea Party Rally in Concord NH

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Speaker Obrien Speaks to a large rally

The Speaker said as long as we are in the Majority we will ensure there is no State Sales/Broad Base tax here in NH. We passed a budget that fixes the states deficit.
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Thursday, April 14, 2011


Fellow Veterans, HB 33 passed the House of Representatives and now it faces changes in the senate, contact the Republican Senators (see link below) and tell them to not let the Democrat Senator Merrill change HB 33, AN ACT relative to the care of memorials in Franconia Notch state park (Cannon Mountain).

Tell them this Veterans monument must be protected!


15Mar2011… 0563h





AN ACT relative to the care of memorials in Franconia Notch state park.

SPONSORS: Rep. Swinford, Belk 5; Rep. Baldasaro, Rock 3; Rep. K. Roberts, Ches 3

COMMITTEE: Resources, Recreation and Development


This bill establishes the standards of care for memorials and memorial sites in the Franconia Notch state park.

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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.

15Mar2011… 0563h




In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Eleven

AN ACT relative to the care of memorials in Franconia Notch state park.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 New Section; Expansion of State Park System; Franconia Notch Forest Reservation and Memorial Park. Amend RSA 216-A by inserting after section 6-a the following new section:

216-A:6-b Franconia Notch Forest Reservation and Memorial Park.

I. The war memorials on the eastern shore of Profile Lake shall be undisturbed and maintained in a proper manner for viewing and visiting by veterans as defined in RSA 21:50 and the general public. Appropriate signage and recognition of the war memorial and the entire Franconia forest reserve, as dedicated to the men and women who have served our country in times of conflict shall be placed at the entrances to Franconia Notch state park as well as directional signs to the memorial site. Veterans groups may aid the division of parks and recreation in enhancing and maintaining the park, through programs such as the Adopt-a-Park program and by other means. Veterans, active duty members of the armed forces, and members of their immediate family accompanying them shall pay no fee to hike or bicycle the trails of the park.

II. In addition, no activity or lease in the state park system shall result in any disturbance of a burial site, memorial, or designated historic site, nor shall any lease provisions cause such sites to be restricted to the general public. Fees may be charged for the use of amenities, improvements, amusements, and special events. Nothing in this section shall prevent the division of parks and recreation or the department of resources and economic development, or any other state agency from exercising full supervisory and managerial responsibilities relative to the area known as the Franconia Notch state park and its surroundings.

III. The director of the division of parks and recreation may solicit, accept, and expend any gifts, grants, and donations for the purpose of maintaining the war memorials in accordance with this section.

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.

Attending ribbon cutting for the new Elliot Hospital Ambulatory Center at Rivers Edge. Manchester NH

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

SB 102 Establishing a Commission to study the effects of service-conected post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury suffered in the line of duty by members of the Armed Forces and Veterans

Last Thursday, SB 102 passed in my committee by a vote of 12-0 which was a bi-partisan vote. I spoke today on the floor to the House of representatives to ensure that the State Reps are well aware that this commission started in 2008, where the committee did not complete the report and asked for a extension by Rep Ray Gagnon from Claremont, who did a great job. Senator Carson and I put a bill in to extend the Commission to another year to complete the work. After passage last year the Democrat Leadership dropped the ball and failed to assign anyone to Chair the commission and then after my many complaints Former Speaker Norrelli assigned Rep Roberts from Keene but it was to late to get it done. I had talked with Sen Carson about putting the bill back in, so we can pick up the ball to finish this Commission on PTSD-TBI once in for all, so we can identify and document lessons learned on how we did not take care of all Veterans of past wars, so we are prepared to take care of all NH Veterans who have PTSD/TBI today.

The bill passed 347Y - 1N and will be sent to the Governor for signature. We will start putting the Commission together to move as a Team to complete this Commission to identify the issues here in NH.

Rep AL Baldasaro
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House in Session, today is Tartan Day

9 AM Republican Caucus and at 10 AM the House of Representative's will be in session for a short time today. To start the day of is the celebration of Tartan Day.
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