Friday, March 5, 2010

My picks for up-coming March 9th Election
Download a copy of the ballot here: 




Town Council:
Tom Freda
John Farrell

Budget Committee:
Dan Lekas
John Curran

Town Clerk: Meg Seymour

Charter Commission:

1. Marie O'Keefe – Yes

2. Chris Paul – Yes

3. Debra Paul - Yes

4. Brian Farmer- Yes

5. Al Baldasaro - Yes

6. Clarissa "Cris" Navarro- Yes

7. Glenn Douglas - Yes

8. James, Jay, Hooley - Yes

9. Lara M. W. Mcintrye - Yes

We also need many at the Town Meeting at the High School Cafeteria on March 13th at 9 AM.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bishop John B. McCormack: The People’s Vote On The Definition Of Marriage

Bishop John B. McCormack: 
The People's Vote On The Definition Of Marriage
On Tuesday, March 9th, the citizens of many towns in New Hampshire will offer a simple warrant article at their town meetings: that the citizens of New Hampshire should be allowed to vote on an amendment to the New Hampshire Constitution that defines marriage.  I urge the citizens of this state to vote on Tuesday in favor of this article. 
Since time immemorial, marriage has been understood as committed union between a man and a woman.  Up until just a few years ago, few if any people anywhere in the world would have considered that marriage would ever be redefined at all, let alone to involve two people of the same sex. And yet, last year, the New Hampshire Legislature voted to do just that. By the barest of margins – 7 votes in the House and 2 votes in the Senate – the most fundamental institution of our society was changed. Most surprisingly, this change, which affects the fundamental societal relationship of what it means to be married, occurred without consulting the people.
Although the Catholic Church, of course, has its own teachings concerning the nature and the sacredness of marriage, the universal role that marriage plays in our world is something which does not revolve around religious beliefs. It is worth remembering that the nature of marriage as a union between a man and a woman is something which predates Christianity or Judaism, existing in the earliest recorded history. 
It is difficult to imagine a more ancient and fundamental institution in our society than marriage.  For that reason, as a citizen of New Hampshire , I would have hoped that the legislature would have acted with greater thoughtful consideration and restraint before throwing out thousands of years of tradition.  A decision about how our society defines marriage is not something which should depend on the results of a partisan election.  The consequence of the marriage vote last year is that, instead of being viewed as the cornerstone of our society, marriage is now going to be viewed as something which is susceptible to being defined and redefined according to the changing will of the legislature.  It seems that we are now looking at a future where the definition of marriage will hinge on the attitudes of elected officials in any particular two year legislative session.  A constitutional amendment is the only way to resolve this problem.
New Hampshire's founding fathers wisely established the constitutional amendment process to ensure that the people of the state have the final say regarding what our laws are. On a number of occasions throughout our history, we have determined as a citizenry that there are issues which are too important to be left to the decision-making of the legislature. There have been amendments with far less impact on all the people of our state that have been passed. For example, if we think it is essential to have the populace vote on whether highway funds should solely be directed to highway purposes, then surely we can ask the men and women of New Hampshire if they want to redefine marriage.
That is why I urge the citizens of New Hampshire to cast their votes on Tuesday in favor of the warrant articles which would call for the people of New Hampshire to be given the opportunity to vote on how marriage is to be defined under the laws of New Hampshire . I trust the people will support the longstanding meaning of marriage and the value this traditional understanding has in our society. Marriage is too critical to our social fabric to let it unravel on a rushed reaction to a particular view of the moment.   Let the people be allowed to decide on this most basic of issues—our legal definition of marriage.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Dear Editor

I am impressed with all the letters in support or against Article 3 and the many different interpretations of the constitution. The Democrats are out in force trying to say that you better like the Legislator's decision and if you don't you are either hateful, a bigot and the best one of all, a homophobe, simply because you support traditional marriage. Did they tell you that all of your Londonderry Legislators voted against same sex marriage? 

I hate to bust their bubble but we do have a constitutional right to disagree with the Legislative process, especially when it was flawed by Legislators getting up and not casting their vote. In my opinion Marriage is not a civil right issue because the State has laws on who can get married and who can't, and the ones who are in love that can't get married by law, per many letters, yes, they are discriminated against, even though many of us agree with the law.

Some say they were fooled on signing the petition, which is a shame because the petition is simple language that most people understand. I am sorry if you read between the lines because I support marriage between a man and a woman and that has been published since I got involved in politics.  Article 3 is a non-binding resolution, which will tell the Legislators we want to vote or not vote on defining marriage. If you can't figure that out, or maybe got intimidated after you signed, than I feel bad for you, especially when I explained it to you personally. 

Please do not let people talk you out of what you believe in, by calling it discrimination or hateful, and stand up for what you believe your definition of marriage is. I will be at the polls casting my 'yes' vote on Article 3, where I want the right to vote on a constitution amendment in defining marriage. 31 states have had the opportunity to vote, so what the Democrats are scared of is you exercising your right to vote on what you believe. Our NH Supreme Court under rule 7 & 11, when appealing decisions in Family Court, still recognizes marriage between a man and a woman.

 I will also be casting my vote for Tom Freda and John Farrell who are two strong Conservatives and they will look out for your wallet. Meg Seymour has done an outstanding job as our Town Clerk and deserves our vote of confidence in her once again.

Our Town elections are supposed to be non-partisan but you know, like I do, if you vote in a Democrat in local politics than you will get bigger government and more services at the tax payer's expense, which means property taxes, will go up. I will be voting for 2 strong voices on protecting the tax payers for the Budget Committee, Daniel Lekas and John Curran.  I will also be casting my vote in support of the SB2 Charter Commission.

 It's great to be an American where we can agree to disagree against our government and have the right to exercise our vote at the polls without intimidation.

Al Baldasaro

"I want to thank all the supporters who worked hard in getting residents to sign the non-binding petition where they will have an opportunity at the March 9th Londonderry Town election to vote and tell the Legislator they want to vote on a constitutional amendment that defines marriage. No more signatures are needed!!! Great Job!!!"


From: AL Baldasaro

Sat, February 6, 2010 10:41:46 PM


Representative Al Baldasaro and Team have accomplished what others said could NOT be done! ! Turning in 904 signatures Feb. 6th, which represents the 5% of those residents as required by the Londonderry Town Charter, who wish to vote on the Amendment that defines Marriage!

A vote for kids: Killing a feel-good bill - Sunday, Mar. 7, 2010 Union Leader : March 7th 2010
The above mention article is a bunch of bull because 20 states have the no child molester zones around the schools and have been challenged in their courts.The Democrats want to use the constitution when protecting Child Molesters, well what about the kids rights when these perverts move into your neighborhood and your... children are no longer able to play outside, as they are held hostage now.Take a look at the NH Child Molesters list and see how many perverts who have moved into NH because our laws are very relaxed except for the checking in to the Police on where you live. Gee, no smoking zones, no gun zones and no drug ...

Posted Mar 7, 2010 11:15 PM by Web Manager .

NH, Massachusetts lawmakers speak against I-93 toll By Terry Date "If a toll were proposed, legislative opposition would be strong", Sapareto said. Massachusetts has not filed a letter with the Federal Highway Administration indicating its intent to apply for the toll program. New Hampshire has filed a letter of intent with the agency. A coalition of more than 70 legislators from New Hampshire and Massachusetts restated its opposition to Interstate 93 border tolls yesterday, following word that New Hampshire plans to apply for federal approval for a southbound toll in April. "We have nothing to do with this application for federal approval," said Rep. Frank Sapareto, R-Derry, a coalition organizer. Furthermore, Sapareto said, he wonders where New Hampshire Department of Transportation Commissioner George ...

Posted Mar 2, 2010 10:26 PM by Web Manager .

Fosters: "Bills split on residency rules for sex offenders" Bills split on residency rules for sex offenders Sunday, February 7, 2010 Editor's note: This is one in an occasional series about state legislation regarding sex offenders.By AARON SANBORNasanborn@fosters.comA hearing on a proposed law that would ban sex offender residency restrictions like those the city of Dover once had is slated for Wednesday in the state House of Representatives.Meanwhile, a bill proposing the opposite — to create statewide residency restrictions — also is coming before lawmakers Wednesday."We protect schools from cigarette smoking, we protect schools with no-gun zones," said State Rep. Alfred Baldasaro, R-Londonderry, the bill's primary sponsor. "But why aren't we protecting schools from sexual predators?"He said a ...

Posted Mar 2, 2010 10:37 PM by Web Manager .

Rob's Law bill would make for safer backing Rob's Law bill would make for safer backing User Submitted News Thursday, February 4, 2010 LONDONDERRY — My name is Christopher Augeri and I am reaching out in search of support for Bill 1405 - Rob's Law, introduced to the House January 6, 2010 and currently in the Transportation Committee for review. My wife Janet, Rob's widow Kim and I have worked very hard with Londonderry Representative Al Baldasaro to introduce this Bill since the death of our son, Robert Christopher Augeri, on June 3, 2008. Rob was working for a paving contractor when he was struck from behind by a dump truck in a highway work zone and killed, leaving behind 4 children and a young widow in ...

Posted Feb 5, 2010 11:28 AM by Web Manager .

Editorial: Baldasaro's silly comment no cause for resignation - Derry News, The (NH) Jan, 28, 2010 10:46 AM - Derry News, The (NH)Jan. 28--State Rep. Al Baldasaro, R-Londonderry, brings a great deal of passion to his legislative work.Sometimes, that passion serves him well, as in his work for Londonderry's elderly and veterans, and his strong commitment to volunteerism that earned him well deserved recognition from his community. Baldasaro was Londonderry's "Volunteer of the Year" in 2009.But an excess of passion can carry away the best of us. And such was the case when Baldasaro appeared before the House Judiciary Committee to testify in favor of a repeal of the gay marriage law.The law permitting same-sex couples in New Hampshire to marry passed the Legislature ...

Posted Jan 28, 2010 12:04 PM by Web Manager .

Representative Al Baldasaro to ask Town Council, recognize Marriage as One Man and One Woman

posted Jan 8, 2010 2:03 PM by [ updated Mar 2, 2010 10:24 PM by Web Manager ]

Representative Al Baldasaro to ask Town Council, recognize Marriage as One Man and One Woman

"Early this morning Representative David Bates of the Salem and Windham District, issued a press release indicating that members of the new “Let NH Vote” organization from every county will deliver citizen’s petitions to Town Hall’s throughout New Hampshire today to have an article placed on the Warrant for their March 9th Town Meetings."

"Representative Bates said, “This is in response to the law which took effect January 1st that redefined “marriage” to include homosexual relationships. The question voters will be asked on March 9th is intended to determine the will of the New Hampshire voters concerning the marriage debate.” ...

Representative Al Baldasaro of Londonderry, New Hampshire

Representative Bates intends to gather with Petitioners from 9 of New Hampshire’s 10 Counties for a press conference at 1pm tomorrow Tuesday, January 5th, to announce the details of the initiative.

Since Londonderry has a Town Council form of government with a budgetary Town Meeting, the petition needs to be presented to the council in order to determine if they will allow it to be on the ballot. Al Baldasaro plans to present the petition at 7pm tonight to the Town Council.

In a plea to would be supporters Representative Baldasaro asked for Londonderry Voters to, “Please contact me to Sign the Petition to Demand the right to VOTE in the definition of Marriage as an Amendment to the NH Constitution, whether you are for or against Gay Marriage you deserve the right to vote.”

Londonderry NH net

Londonderry Hometown Online News

Derry News

posted Jan 8, 2010 11:21 AM by Web Manager [ updated Mar 2, 2010 10:44 PM by Web Manager ]

Baldasaro, Project P.L.A.Y. are Volunteers of the Year

2008 Volunteer of the Year Al Baldasaro was named 2008 Londonderry Volunteer of the Year at the March 2 Town Council Meeting. Here, he accepts his award from Town Councilor Kathy Wagner. Suzanne Laurent/Staff photo Suzanne Laurent/Staff Photographer (Click for larger image)

Mack posts new signs; no opposing views offered

Nobody takes Mack up on his offer of equal space

Baldasaro said veterans like himself gave Mack the right to actually have the freedom of speech to express his views on signs.

"But Andy's Andy," Baldasaro said.

"I love Andy. He's like a brother, but the liberal brother I never had."
No fan of signs Published: August 20, 2009 04:35 pm

To the editor:

To my friend Andy Mack in reference to your letter to the Editor last week offering the Republicans a spot to rebut you by posting on the back of your signs where you scribbled your support of Obama's government take over on health insurance.

First I am not the Republican Chairman and if you stayed around Londonderry, you would have known that I have stepped down last year but I just might step back in, since you motivated me with your signs once again. Time will tell!

I, along with many Republicans, respected the wishes of the Old Home Day committee on ensuring that we continue to treat Old Home Day week as a gathering for friends and families to come together as one town, take care of our Non-Profits and not to be divided by your political liberal views. We republicans will not lower our self to feed into the disrespect you have shown to our community, so we will not post anything on your signs.

Andy, I have the utmost respect for the Mack family, who does allot for our community, and you as an

individual want too continue to divide us all with your political views posted on your land. Let's not forget that many acres of your land was not just Democrats who paid for your easement's but all the tax payers did through open space money. For your information at the Old Home Day Republican Booth, I have talked with Democrats, Independents, Republican (Americans) who all were disgusted with your signs which were posted on the parade route. What is a shame is some out-of-town visitors who shopped at your stand that day, did not like your signs and when they found out you (Andy Mack) put the signs up; they said they will never shop there again. The chair of OHD, Kathy Wagner asked you to wait until OHD were over and you refused where you divided the town once again as a business owner.

The good people of Londonderry are not stupid where they need to read your signs to understand Obama's socialized health insurance program but you have the right to express your freedom of speech. Mr. Mack, what would our town look like if we all followed your example and posted our political views on 4 X 8 sheets of plywood? I for one am glad that we do not follow your example!

In closing Andy, thanks to our veterans who gave some and especially those who gave all for giving you the freedoms to express your views. We may agree to disagree with your views but that is your right.
AL Baldasaro, State Representative

Al Baldasaro (R) Inc. October 16, 2008 01:29 pm

People can always count on me to clearly and honestly state where I stand on the issues — who I am and what I stand for, as my record speaks for itself.

I want to ensure New Hampshire stays a Live Free or Die state and that we maintain the NH Advantage. I'll continue to vote in protecting our quality of life. I don't support an income tax or a broad base tax. I'll continue to fight the Democrats on bringing back parental notification and fight for the protection of our children from the child molesters.

I support our 1st Amendment Rights and 2nd Amendment rights 100 percent of the time. I am a strong supporter of the Constitution and believe that marriage is between a man and a woman and the people of NH should vote up or down on a constitutional change. I will continue to push for smaller government and fight to keep government out of our pockets. I support less spending which means less taxes! By sending me back to Concord, it will ensure there is someone looking out for you, who is dedicated and will protect your wallet.

Community involvement: Vice Chair of the Elder Affairs Committee, Finance Chair for Old Home Day Committee.

Al Baldasaro Volunteer of the Year 2009

posted Jan 8, 2010 10:47 AM by Web Manager [ updated Mar 2, 2010 10:47 PM by Web Manager ]

Al Baldasaro "Volunteer of the Year"

March 5, 2009

Monday night the Town Council awarded Citizen, Volunteer and Volunteer group of the year. Since the Londonderry Chamber closed operation in 2000 the council has given this award, normally at town meeting. The “Londonderry Tube” presentation is available here on-demand along with the transcript as presented by Kathy Wagner.

Many of you in this room and at home are not going to believe what I am about to say, but listen carefully to the items that this Londonderry resident has accomplished in a relatively short period of time.

This individual has run for local office several times, and because God has a sense of humor and does everything for a reason, his losses have been very lucky for our town. He continued his quest for public office and let me explain why the community of Londonderry was lucky that he did not win instantly; A volunteer is a person who takes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service. This individual puts their heart and soul into the community; they would give the shirt off their back if it was needed.


An original member of Alert, a member of the Old Home Day Committee, Member of Post 27 and the VFW, Vice Chairman of the Elder Affairs Committee. Member of the Workforce Housing Committee, for over four years — this individual has led the front for affordable housing for our seniors. During the Ice Storm he was always at the shelter or driving around to check on elderly residents who would not leave their homes because of their pets. Has helped Warm Homes, and worked at cover the common. A member of the first Londonderry Leadership course, never shy to exercises his opinions at town or school meetings and when the band left for Washington and needed a marine escort, this individual came through.

When finally winning his quest for State Representative, Al has never turned anyone away when they have asked him to sponsor a bill for them, called them to their home for a problem, and no matter what news story, always finds a way into the picture. School Funding, Historic Property legislation, and of course Veterans Legislation. If you are an eagle scout, a student or a citizen that has an award, expect to see Al with a proclamation in his hand, that is, if he is not at the airport meeting our troops coming home or distributing clothing to homeless veterans at Liberty House or working with Moore-Mart to get needed items to our troops in harm’s way.
Al is one of those people that will go the extra mile for anyone. It is with great pleasure that I present Volunteer of the Year to Al Baladasro.

Kathy Wagner