Saturday, April 30, 2011

Seacoast Veterans Conference

Attending the Seacoast Veterans Conference in Portsmouth at the Pease Air National Guard Base-Building 149. This is for all Veterans from 8AM - 4 PM. Bring your DD-214 to enroll in the VA.
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Friday, April 29, 2011

House Speaker Commends Legislation by Congressman Bass to Protect Dignity of Military Funerals

House Speaker Commends Legislation by Congressman Bass to Protect Dignity of Military Funerals 

CONCORD – House Speaker William O'Brien today offered the following statement after the announcement that Congressman Charlie Bass will be introducing legislation to preserve the dignity of military funerals from disruption.  New Hampshire has a similar law (RSA 644:2-b) that prohibits protesting at such funerals.
"The fallen sons and daughters of New Hampshire deserve the respect of a grateful state and nation.  The men and women are heroes and we make sure that they get the appropriate dignity they have earned through their sacrifice.  I commend Congressman Bass for moving forward on this bill to offer this protection nationally.  I sincerely hope this legislation becomes law and we can ensure that all military funerals in the United States get the reverence they receive in the Granite State," said O'Brien.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

SB 78 relative to motor vehicle registration fees

SB78 which has an amendment for the 5 cent deduction in gas tax passed, 201Y 108N , the bill was passed as amended 208Y 98N. The NH Advantage is alive and well!!!
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SB 91 fire suppression sprinklers

SB 91 relative to automatic fire suppression sprinklers passed 223Y - 91N which ensures that cities and towns can not mandate homeowners to put in sprinkler systems.
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SB 157 Passes

SB 157 relative to the division of weights and measures and fees for licensing weighing devices and the definition of service technician passes 234Y-92N
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House in Session

SB 57 relative to regulation of title loan lenders passed 180Y - 171N. SB 157 authorizing retail vehicle dealers to act as agents of the division of motor vehicles for vehicle registration and title applications passed 176 Y - 166N
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