Thursday, December 29, 2011


A must see for all Americans to get back on track to understand what less government means, that we are not a Democracy but a Republic!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Endorsement of Governor Rick Perry

After many days of reviewing and meeting many of the Republican candidates, I am very motivated and very impressed with Governor Rick Perry’s enthusiasm, tell it like it is mentality and his can do attitude.

I have viewed his record, while I don’t agree with on a couple of decisions, but of hundreds that he has made, Governor Rick Perry does have a very impressive record in taking care of Veterans, Businesses and jobs. His less taxes mentality in Texas have attracted many to his state.

I believe that many off his Texas accomplishments would be an asset for our country and the Governor has an great record to stand on.

Rick Perry was a Pilot in the Air Force for 11 years. OOH RAH!!!

Without hesitation, I Enthusiastically Endorse Rick Perry for President!

Semper FI


Representative Al Baldasaro
Rockingham County
District 3 (Auburn and Londonderry)
State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee

2011 NH VFW Legislative Committee

41 Hall Road
Londonderry, NH 03053
Cell 603-858-3535

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

9 AM, attended Congressman Frank Guinta's Military Academy Advisory Board Meeting. 10 AM, attended the New Hampshire National Guard Scholarship Committe where we had 202 applicants seeking a grant. We only had $13,349 dollars to give out, due to the lack of funds because the Fire Marshall stop the National Guard from renting the Manchester Armory out to the public. We decided to give scholarship funds to the E-3 and below $200.00 each. Senator Barnes and I will work with the National Guard to seek donated funds for future Scholarship Grants.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

House Rules Committee voted to let the late filing of Caylee's Law go forward to be heard 2012.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

20 Questions to ask if you think the Economic Cricis Over

From: Dick Marple
Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2011 7:45 PM
Subject: 20 Questions to ask if you think the Economic Crisis is Over

If you know someone that is foolish enough to believe that the economic crisis is over and that our economic problems are behind us, just ask that person the following questions....

#1 During the 23 months of the "Obama recovery", an average of about 23,000 jobs a month have been created. It takes somewhere in the neighborhood of 150,000 jobs a month just to keep up with population growth. So shouldn't we hold off a bit before we declare the economic crisis to be over?
#2 During the "recession", somewhere between 6.3 million and 7.5 million jobs were lost. During the "Obama recovery", approximately 535,000 jobs have been added. When will the rest of the jobs finally come back?
#3 Of the 535,000 jobs that have been created during the "Obama recovery", only about 35,000 of them are permanent full-time jobs. Today, "low income jobs" account for 41 percent of all jobs in the United States. If our economy is recovering, then why can't it produce large numbers of good jobs that will enable people to provide for their families?
#4 Agricultural commodities have been absolutely soaring this decade. The combined price of cotton, wheat, gasoline and hogs is now more than 3 times higher than it was back in 2002. So how in the world can the Federal Reserve claim that inflation has been at minimal levels all this time?
#5 Back in 2008, banks had a total of 27 billion dollars in excess reserves at the Fed. Today, banks have a total of approximately 1.5 trillion dollars in excess reserves at the Fed. So what is going to happen when all of this money eventually hits the economy?....

#6 If the U.S. economy is recovering, then why are shipments by U.S. factories still substantially below 2008 levels?
#7 Why are imports of goods from overseas growing much more rapidly than shipments of goods from U.S. factories?
#8 According to Zillow, the average price of a home in the U.S. is about 8 percent lower than it was a year ago and that it continues to fall about 1 percent a month. During the first quarter of 2011, home values declined at the fastest rate since late 2008. So can we really talk about a "recovery" when the real estate crisis continues to get worse?
#9 According to a shocking new survey, 54 percent of Americans believe that a housing recovery is "unlikely" until at least 2014. So how is the housing industry supposed to improve if so many people are convinced that it will not?
#10 The latest GDP numbers out of Japan are a complete and total disaster. During the first quarter GDP declined by a stunning 3.7 percent. Of course I have been saying for months that the Japanese economy is collapsing, but most mainstream economists were absolutely stunned by the latest figures. So will the rest of the world be able to avoid slipping into a recession as well?
#11 Next week, Republicans in the House of Representatives are going to allow a vote on raising the debt ceiling. Everyone knows that this is an opportunity for Republican lawmakers to "look tough" to their constituents (the vast majority of which do not want the debt ceiling raised). Everyone also knows that eventually the Republicans are almost certainly going to cave on the debt ceiling after minimal concessions by the Democrats. The truth is that neither "establishment Republicans" nor "establishment Democrats" are actually serious about significantly cutting government debt. So why do we need all of this political theater?
#12 Why are so many of our once great manufacturing cities being transformed into hellholes? In the city of Detroit today, there are over 33,000 abandoned houses, 70 schools are being permanently closed down, the mayor wants to bulldoze one-fourth of the city and you can literally buy a house for one dollar in the worst areas.
#13 According to one new survey, about half of all Baby Boomers fear that when they retire they are going to end up living in poverty. So who is going to take care of them all when the money runs out?
#14 According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, an average of about 5 million Americans were being hired every single month during 2006. Today, an average of about 3.5 million Americans are being hired every single month. So why are our politicians talking about "economic recovery" instead of "the collapse of the economy" when hiring remains about 50 percent below normal?
#15 Since August, 2 million more Americans have left the labor force. But the entire period from August to today was supposed to have been a time of economic growth and recovery. So why are so many Americans giving up on looking for a job?
#16 According to Gallup, 41 percent of Americans believed that the economy was "getting better" at this time last year. Today, that number is at just 27 percent. Are Americans losing faith in the U.S. economy?
#17 According to the U.S. Census, the number of children living in poverty has gone up by about 2 million in just the past 2 years, and one out of every four American children is currently on food stamps. During this same time period, Barack Obama and Ben Bernanke have told us over and over that the U.S. economy has been getting better. So what is the truth?
#18 America has become absolutely addicted to government money. 59 percent of all Americans now receive money from the federal government in one form or another. U.S. households are now receiving more income from the U.S. government than they are paying to the government in taxes. Americans hate having their taxes raised and they hate having their government benefits cut. So is there any hope that this will ever be turned around before disaster strikes?
#19 The combined debt of the major GSEs (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Sallie Mae) has increased from 3.2 trillion in 2008 to 6.4 trillion in 2011. How in the world is the U.S. government going to be able to afford to guarantee all of that debt on top of everything else?
#20 If the U.S. national debt (more than 14 trillion dollars) was reduced to a stack of 5 dollar bills, it would reach three quarters of the way to the moon. The U.S. government borrows about 168 million dollars every single hour. If Bill Gates gave every penny of his fortune to the U.S. government, it would only cover the U.S. budget deficit for 15 days. So how in the world can our politicians tell us that everything is going to be okay?
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

HB 601 relative to implementation of Federal Health care reform

HB 601 sends back the Obama care money of 666 thousand and to establish a committee to ensure Obama care does not happen
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HB 542 prohibiting a school district from requiring that a parent send his or her child to any school or program to which the parent may be conscientiously opposed

HB 542 passed 240 Y - 108 N which makes the bill veto proof
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Governor's Veto Message Regarding HB 329 Parental Notification Override Passed

HB 329 which is on Parental Notification where the Governor believes that parents should not be informed if their child is raped or molested, got pregnant passed to override 266Y-102 N. Children under age who get pregnant from a family member or close friend will not be hidden anymore without parents knowledge/ involvement.

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Governors Veto Message Regarding HB 133 Following the Federal Minimum Wage

HB 133 will have our state defers to the minimum wage laws to the federal law passed to override the Veto 294Y - 110 N

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Vote on Governor's Veto Message that Mandates Sprinklers

HB 109 prohibits local planning boards from requiring the installation of fire suppression sprinkler system in proposed one or two-family residence as a condition of approval for local permits. The house voted to override the veto 294Y - 72N.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile, Bettencourt remarks on state budget -, House and Senate pass budget with veto proof majorities -

HB 1-A making appropriations for the expenses of certain departments of the state for fiscal years ending June 30, 2012 and June 30, 2013

HB 1-A passed 274Y - 108N. HB 2 relative to state fees, funds, revenues, and expenditures passed 259Y - 119N. The budget is passed with a veto proof vote.
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SB 91 relative to automatic fire suppression sprinklers

SB 91 makes sense to not mandate the sprinklers in single family homes passed 284Y - 92N. If you want to put sprinklers in, it should be your choice to pay for it. Did you know that your sprinklers are useless if you have a well and power goes out, the sprinklers pump needs a generator to work. Many homes throughout the state and would have to pay for a generator hookup.
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SB 88 on physical force in defense of a person and brandishing

SB 88 relative to physical force in defense of a person and relative to the brandishing of a firearm or other means of self defense passed 283Y - 89N.
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Sunday, June 19, 2011


1st inning 6 - 0 Red Sox over Milwaukee Brewers
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With family at the Island Creek Oyster Bar for brunch before Red Sox.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

NH lawmaker concerned about veteran memorials

NH lawmaker concerned about veteran memorials
Washington Examiner Tue, 07 Jun 2011 00:59 AM PDT
The Associated Press The Associated Press CONCORD, N.H. A New Hampshire lawmaker wants to talk about protecting war memorials in Franconia Notch that could be part of land targeted to be leased. Londonderry Republican Al Baldasaro is the chairman of a conference committee meeting Tuesday on a bill that requires war memorials on the eastern shore of Profile Lake to be undisturbed and maintained ...  

Saturday, June 4, 2011

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Brigadier General Carolyn Protzman

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Congratulations to Col Carolyn Protzmann to Brigadier General !

Attending the promotion of Col Carolyn Protzmann to Brigadier General and appointment as Commander NHANG at Pease Air National Guard Base with Major General William N. Reddel III, the Adjutant General at 3:00. Then we are heading to the American Legion in Ashland for the GOP Committee All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner at 5:00
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Friday, June 3, 2011

Boarding the M/S Mt Washington @ 6 for Belknap County GOP Lincoln Day Dinner Cruise

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pleasant View Senior Residence Memorial Day Event

The number of our Veterans at the Pleasant View Senior Residence was impressive. Two from the Battle of the Bulge, one was a Navy Nurse, a couple Colonels and many family members of Veterans. I presented an explanation of the State and Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee and how the committee is working to increase Veterans services for our Veterans in NH. Many residents came to me afterwards needing answers to their questions about Veterans services.
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Heading to Rindge NH from Cape Cod to Speak to the Vietnam Veterans of America, North Central Chapter 907's 8th Annual Memorial Ride today @11

Today's Memorial Day Events in Rindge NH and Concord NH

We had a wonderful time at the Cape where we hit the garage sales and met quite a few Mass residents who are unhappy with their taxes. Now we are on the road from the Cape to Rindge NH where I will be the Guest Speaker for the Vietnam Veterans of America, North Central Chapter 907's 8th Annual Memorial Ride to the Cathedral Of The Pines Service.
Then we will be heading to Concord NH at 3 to speak to the Concord Seniors.

All are invited in Rindge.
The Vietnam Veterans of America, North Central Chapter 907 will arrive at The Cathedral about 11:15 AM, then the Service starts at 11:30 AM. When the service comes to a close the ride will head back to the Gardner, MA Fish and Gun Club to join in on the BBQ festivities.

Vietnam Veterans of America, North Central Chapter 907 WEB Site:

See flyer at:

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The House is in Session today and its great to see many residents for and against the RTW. Its great to be an American

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Senate Considers Bill That Would Slow Northern Pass - Video - WMUR New Hampshire

"Supporters and opponents of a bill that would severely handcuff a controversial power-transmission plan rallied in Concord on Thursday.

Read more:"

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WMUR9: Unions Show Opposition To Right-To-Work Bill: Ahead of a House vote in Concord on a controversial right-to-work ...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Seacoast Republican Woman Breakfast with Speaker O'Brien

I attended the breakfast with the Speaker. As we approached the road to take us to the Elks Hall in Portsmouth where the supposing the big Union protest, which looked like about 18 people. The Speaker did a great job expressing what our Republicans have done to get back our finances/budget back on tract with smaller government.
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The senate fails to Repeal the RGGI Bill

Today the Senate failed to pass the HB519 repealing regional greenhouse gas initiative cap which is a redistribution of money that goes to political motivated companies as a grant. The ITL failed 15-9, then a amendment was brought forward which passed then a vote to pass as amended 16 - 8. This is shameful that the Senate did not support the repeal of this redistribution of money.
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Monday, May 9, 2011

Pemigewasset Fish and Game Club

Many State Reps were invited to a day of shooting and classes on gun safety. A great day for shooting!
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Friday, May 6, 2011

Senator Carson addresses Derry Londonderry Chamber of Commerce

Attended the Greater Derry Londonderry State of the Region at Derry Municipal Center. The Governor spoke 1st and got away early, since he just happen to have another meeting. Senator Sharon Carson did a great job talking about the retirement financial issues facing our state and spoke on how we are moving forward to fix the retirement deficits.
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Thursday, May 5, 2011

d Meeting.
Attended the Woodmont Project Roundtable. It was a interesting discussion on how the project is progressing in preparation for the May 11th Planning Boar
Londonderry's 94th greeted with hugs, praise after a mission in Iraq

Union Leader

Dan Tuohy
Published May 4, 2011 at 3:00 am (Updated May 3, 2011)

The U.S. Army Reserve's 94th Military Police Company is based in Londonderry.

State Rep. Al Baldasaro, R-Londonderry, applauded the soldiers' work in helping Iraqi police officers to step up and take care of their own.

"The seed has been planted to let freedom grow and flourish," Baldasaro said.

Marines Depart for Camp Pendleton, then Afghanistan for duty

Today at 1 Pm, there was a deployment Ceremony for Bravo Company at the Londonderry Reserve Center. At 3PM, the 25th Marines, Bravo Company departed from the Londonderry Reserve Center boarded 3 buses to take them to Westover Air Base, where they will board planes to head for training at Camp Pendleton, California for a month and a half. They will then board airplanes again and fly to Afghanistan for duty. Semper Fi Marines and Corpsman, be safe!!! I was Honored to be one of the Guest Speakers today!
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

SB129 relative to presenting I'd to vote

SB129 relative to presenting photo identification to vote in person and relative to the election fund passed 243Y - 111N where a ID will have to be shown to vote.
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HB474 Right to Work

HB474 relative to Freedom of Choice on whether to join a labor Union and eliminating the duty of a annuity accumulation fund. We are voting to concur with the Senate amendment passes 220Y - 140N.
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SB 148 relative to Obama Health Care

SB148 relative to health insurance coverage and declaring that the Attorney General join the Lawsuit challenging the Patient and Affordable Care Act amendment passed 259Y - 106N. The bill passed as amended OTP/A 261Y - 104N.
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House in Session, See 1st bill passed

We are in Session and after passing the consent calendar minus 3 bills (SB89, SB195, SB75) passed. Rep Hawkins special ordered SB3 to be the 1st bill which is SB3 making comprehensive changes to the state retirement system. The Hawkins amendment passed with a voice vote. The Shurtleff amendment failed 123Y - 132N. The bill as amended passed 238Y - 121N. Motion to reconsider failed 108Y - 254N.
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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Seacoast Veterans Conference

Attending the Seacoast Veterans Conference in Portsmouth at the Pease Air National Guard Base-Building 149. This is for all Veterans from 8AM - 4 PM. Bring your DD-214 to enroll in the VA.
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Friday, April 29, 2011

House Speaker Commends Legislation by Congressman Bass to Protect Dignity of Military Funerals

House Speaker Commends Legislation by Congressman Bass to Protect Dignity of Military Funerals 

CONCORD – House Speaker William O'Brien today offered the following statement after the announcement that Congressman Charlie Bass will be introducing legislation to preserve the dignity of military funerals from disruption.  New Hampshire has a similar law (RSA 644:2-b) that prohibits protesting at such funerals.
"The fallen sons and daughters of New Hampshire deserve the respect of a grateful state and nation.  The men and women are heroes and we make sure that they get the appropriate dignity they have earned through their sacrifice.  I commend Congressman Bass for moving forward on this bill to offer this protection nationally.  I sincerely hope this legislation becomes law and we can ensure that all military funerals in the United States get the reverence they receive in the Granite State," said O'Brien.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

SB 78 relative to motor vehicle registration fees

SB78 which has an amendment for the 5 cent deduction in gas tax passed, 201Y 108N , the bill was passed as amended 208Y 98N. The NH Advantage is alive and well!!!
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SB 91 fire suppression sprinklers

SB 91 relative to automatic fire suppression sprinklers passed 223Y - 91N which ensures that cities and towns can not mandate homeowners to put in sprinkler systems.
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SB 157 Passes

SB 157 relative to the division of weights and measures and fees for licensing weighing devices and the definition of service technician passes 234Y-92N
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House in Session

SB 57 relative to regulation of title loan lenders passed 180Y - 171N. SB 157 authorizing retail vehicle dealers to act as agents of the division of motor vehicles for vehicle registration and title applications passed 176 Y - 166N
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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Congratulations to my son Joey and his Fiancée Krystal on their engagement last night!

Joey is a Sergeant in the Marines, stationed at Quantico Virginia with HMX 1.

Welcome to the Family Krystal Crownover!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bench Dedication to Rep Mike Whalley in Reps Hall

Mike Whalley was my Minority Leader for my 1st term and he was a Mentor to all, no matter what party you were affiliated with. When Mike got sick during my 1st term he did not miss a beat and when he passed away, we all felt his lost. RIP Mike Whalley!!!
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Senate voting on Flag Bill

HB 132, Adopting and implementing the United States flag code passed by voice vote which e ensures there is a procedure in place to ensure Veterans that were killed in the line of duty, so the Flag can be displayed at half mast properly and where no association can put restrictions on a person who wish's to fly the American Flag.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

University of New England visit in Bidderford Maine

I am very proud of my son Edward a Senior at UNE, who tonight received the Department of Business and Communications Outstanding Student in Communications. Great Job Eddie, who is a 2007 Londonderry High School Graduate.
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Friday, April 15, 2011

Tea Party Rally in Concord NH

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Speaker Obrien Speaks to a large rally

The Speaker said as long as we are in the Majority we will ensure there is no State Sales/Broad Base tax here in NH. We passed a budget that fixes the states deficit.
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Thursday, April 14, 2011


Fellow Veterans, HB 33 passed the House of Representatives and now it faces changes in the senate, contact the Republican Senators (see link below) and tell them to not let the Democrat Senator Merrill change HB 33, AN ACT relative to the care of memorials in Franconia Notch state park (Cannon Mountain).

Tell them this Veterans monument must be protected!


15Mar2011… 0563h





AN ACT relative to the care of memorials in Franconia Notch state park.

SPONSORS: Rep. Swinford, Belk 5; Rep. Baldasaro, Rock 3; Rep. K. Roberts, Ches 3

COMMITTEE: Resources, Recreation and Development


This bill establishes the standards of care for memorials and memorial sites in the Franconia Notch state park.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.

15Mar2011… 0563h




In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Eleven

AN ACT relative to the care of memorials in Franconia Notch state park.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 New Section; Expansion of State Park System; Franconia Notch Forest Reservation and Memorial Park. Amend RSA 216-A by inserting after section 6-a the following new section:

216-A:6-b Franconia Notch Forest Reservation and Memorial Park.

I. The war memorials on the eastern shore of Profile Lake shall be undisturbed and maintained in a proper manner for viewing and visiting by veterans as defined in RSA 21:50 and the general public. Appropriate signage and recognition of the war memorial and the entire Franconia forest reserve, as dedicated to the men and women who have served our country in times of conflict shall be placed at the entrances to Franconia Notch state park as well as directional signs to the memorial site. Veterans groups may aid the division of parks and recreation in enhancing and maintaining the park, through programs such as the Adopt-a-Park program and by other means. Veterans, active duty members of the armed forces, and members of their immediate family accompanying them shall pay no fee to hike or bicycle the trails of the park.

II. In addition, no activity or lease in the state park system shall result in any disturbance of a burial site, memorial, or designated historic site, nor shall any lease provisions cause such sites to be restricted to the general public. Fees may be charged for the use of amenities, improvements, amusements, and special events. Nothing in this section shall prevent the division of parks and recreation or the department of resources and economic development, or any other state agency from exercising full supervisory and managerial responsibilities relative to the area known as the Franconia Notch state park and its surroundings.

III. The director of the division of parks and recreation may solicit, accept, and expend any gifts, grants, and donations for the purpose of maintaining the war memorials in accordance with this section.

2 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.

Attending ribbon cutting for the new Elliot Hospital Ambulatory Center at Rivers Edge. Manchester NH

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

SB 102 Establishing a Commission to study the effects of service-conected post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury suffered in the line of duty by members of the Armed Forces and Veterans

Last Thursday, SB 102 passed in my committee by a vote of 12-0 which was a bi-partisan vote. I spoke today on the floor to the House of representatives to ensure that the State Reps are well aware that this commission started in 2008, where the committee did not complete the report and asked for a extension by Rep Ray Gagnon from Claremont, who did a great job. Senator Carson and I put a bill in to extend the Commission to another year to complete the work. After passage last year the Democrat Leadership dropped the ball and failed to assign anyone to Chair the commission and then after my many complaints Former Speaker Norrelli assigned Rep Roberts from Keene but it was to late to get it done. I had talked with Sen Carson about putting the bill back in, so we can pick up the ball to finish this Commission on PTSD-TBI once in for all, so we can identify and document lessons learned on how we did not take care of all Veterans of past wars, so we are prepared to take care of all NH Veterans who have PTSD/TBI today.

The bill passed 347Y - 1N and will be sent to the Governor for signature. We will start putting the Commission together to move as a Team to complete this Commission to identify the issues here in NH.

Rep AL Baldasaro
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House in Session, today is Tartan Day

9 AM Republican Caucus and at 10 AM the House of Representative's will be in session for a short time today. To start the day of is the celebration of Tartan Day.
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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rep. AL Baldasaro, the Guest Speaker for the Vietnam Veterans of America, North Central Chapter 907's 8th Annual Memorial Ride

Chairman of the State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee, State Representative AL Baldasaro, a Retired US Marine, Desert Storm Veteran is to be the Guest Speaker for the Vietnam Veterans of America, North Central Chapter 907's 8th Annual Memorial Ride to the Cathedral Of The Pines Service on May 29th in Rindge New Hampshire.

The Vietnam Veterans of America, North Central Chapter 907 will arrive at The Cathedral about 11:15 AM, then the Service starts at 11:30 AM.

When the service comes to a close the ride will head back to the Gardner, MA Fish and Gun to join in on the BBQ festivities.

Vietnam Veterans of America, North Central Chapter 907 WEB Site

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Senate Holds Hearing On Right-To-Work Bill
CONCORD, NH -- A crowd gathered for a hearing Tuesday on a bill that would allow workers in union workplaces to opt out of paying dues. Tuesday, April 5, 2011.

‎"We're here on this bill for the freedom for the right to say, 'No, I don't want to pay dues. I don't want to be part of a union," said Rep. Al Baldasaro, R-Londonderry.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Representative Baldasaro has to make the tough decisions

Representative Baldasaro has to make the tough decisions

Letter to the Editor of Londonderry NH April 3, 2011
Once again, the Governor takes no responsibility with the NH Deficit
rising to almost 900 million because he feels that the Tax Payers should be paying more taxes to keep up with his spending habits. In his budget he wanted to down shift cost, make our School District & Town pay out more money towards Retirement benefits and cut education funding along with cutting building aid payments with catastrophic aid to

Just Google his past speech's on his Budget address/spending which forced us to make so many tough decisions to balance the budget to protect the wallets of the Tax payers to keep NH out of bankruptcy. Is our House budget perfect? I doubt it, but I can tell you that Londonderry schools will not lose money and stay level funding for the next two years where we should get our catastrophic aid because we put more money there so it don't come from the Londonderry Tax Payers.

If you read on the the Londonderrynh site, you would think that we are screwing the taxpayers by some of the poster's comments. But if you read between the lines of their comments, you would see that the House position on the Budget is to make tough decisions to fix the NH deficit. Per this site, it sounds more like a site which is the Democrat way of keep paying for all the Social Programs, keep taking from the Tax Payer and let the fraud continue but that is Freedom of Speech from the use of their fake names.

Kathy Wagner is the one who stated the "Senate is the adults here", let us see how they balance the budget and how they put back items and shift monies to the Tax Payers. Some Senators usual have a bleeding heart and don't mind letting the Unions run wild on the Tax Payers but not me and many of our Representatives who voted on not a perfect budget, but a balanced one that forces the state to live within our means. Can you keep running your home on borrowed money? After awhile, the payments will come do and you either pay it or cut in other areas so you can feed the family and keep a roof over your head.

To the many Londonderry Residents who sent me a letter that they do not like some of the cuts but understand we have no choice and supported us, I thank you. Hopefully when the Senate gets their turn, they don't cave into all the Special Interest Groups/State Union raises, upping the benefits with less money paying from the employees that takes almost 50 million out of the budget in this budget cycle (Biannual).

So when you hear that the Senate will fix this short fall, believe me I will wait patiently on how they are the "big Adults" here per Kathy Wagner. All I can say is beware of the messenger who could be a Democrat crying that we are cutting everything or the RINO (Republican in Name Only) that twist the actual truth as to what is happening that effects Londonderry and our State.

If I don't believe in something, I don't vote for it, no matter what Leadership says, check my record and at the end of the day I sleep like a baby knowing I did the right thing to better NH. I stand by my vote on the Evergreen clause, to stop the state union raises that we cannot afford in a very bad economy. Especially where we will force the State Commissioner's to live within their means and they are the ones who will make the tough decisions on how to spend your tax dollars to keep programs going.

I have posted some other articles for your review to see for yourself and not just my opinion. See, or look at how we are trying to stop future raising of taxes with a constitutional amendment that the Democrats hated and try to stop us at

If you have read postings on this site, you will see some are stating that I do not answer e-mails. I assure you that I try to e-mail back as many as I can in a timely manner but do to the 100's of e-mail I get a day on controversial issues is impossible. It has put me behind on answering them but I will get to them. The person named Bryan on the Londonderrynh site complaining about not receiving an answer to his email is confusing because I did a search on all the e-mails I have left to answer and their names are not there. Judy asked them to resend the email to me and I have not seen it yet. So I question the integrity of the Anonymousness posters on that site.

Please bear with us on the budget process, as we just completed the 2nd stage of a 4 stage process and depending on what the Senate does, we will come together in the 4th stage during a Committee of Conference to finalize the budget. There will be one final vote which will happen by the Senate & the House of Representatives on what comes out of the committee and then the final budget goes to the governor for his signature.

I am trying my best to earn that $100.00 a year I get for doing this job, which in my opinion is, trying to keep NH the best state to live in with smaller government and less spending where we live within our means. I know anything we Conservatives do opens us up for false attacks, since Democrats will do the opposite of us or the Londonderrynh sites Journalist letters don't give the whole truth on the Legislation that has been passed. So don't believe me just read back at the titles and you will see what I am talking about and then read the actual bills.

I am proud of my vote, to get parents involved with the Education Plan by requiring their approval before their child can quit school. The bill required them to work with the Superintendent. I hope I don't shock the many Democrats on the Londonderrynh site but the age limit to quit school is still 18, but they keep that quiet because their title was fun reading/hearing all the twisted statements concerning the school age drop out law.

I want to touch on Kathy Wagner's comments concerning the PTSD Article in the Newspaper. I have no clue why the Londonderry Times did not talk about the other Sponsors but I can tell you that I am the only Chairman who has pushed for answers on the PTSD/TBI Committee last year asking why it was not held and went to the Senator to ask her to put it back in since the Democrats failed to do anything to finalize the Commission. I can tell you that the Former Speaker did not tell the truth when she stated we never went to her because after I talked to her she passed the buck to Rep Kris Roberts from Keene and he said it was too late to do anything. My Committee has held two hearings on the Veterans needs in the state by bringing in the VA Hospital Director, the Homeless Veterans Program director and many others to get a handle on the issues and keep the lines of communications open since January.

I have stopped posting on the Londonderrynh site recently as I had too much going on and I had better things to do than debate the Anonymous posters attacks on me, who I believe many of them are the same person, but I have been known to be wrong once or twice and I do not hesitate in admitting it.

As my sister-in-Law, a Londonderry Resident said it best to me, "you did not run for office to be loved, you ran to make a difference in people's lives." Many of the complainers on the Londonderrynh site who are against my votes, probably did not vote for me anyways and I can't make everyone happy.

If you have any questions on why I voted a certain way, please go to and send me a e-mail through the comments section.

Thank You

AL Baldasaro

State Representative

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Granite Grok- Al Has one gear "Forward"

GrokTV Event - NH State Representative Al Baldasaro

"God love him - former Marine, transmission only operates in one direction (forward) and always in motion.  A "prior Marine", he's still operating as if he never left the Corp or his oath.  I don't know Al well, other than I know who he is (and I think he may know who I am - maybe).  No matter - the endearing quality to Al, in my Conservative eyes, is that he never stops and never counts the odds.  A politician that just presses forward and if that takes him into a "lion's den" so be it.  Unlike many politicians who pick and choose or think "high road only", he is ALWAYS willing to engage with those on "the other side".  

Well, there were plenty of opportunities for "engagement" and during one of my forays in and out of the House Chamber, I found Al ... Read More
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Weekend Adventures

Last night we attended Lisa's Birthday Party in the infamous Vault at Salvatore's in the former Bank in Medford MA. Al enjoyed his Lobster Ravioli. Tonight we are attending a Cancer Benefit in Woburn, MA with the Baldasaro family.
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My comments on Majority Leader DJ Bettencourt's statements about Bishop Mccormack

Majority leader DJ Bettencourt is right about his comments towards Bishop McCormack because he is the one of the reasons I walked away from the Catholic church up until last year I went back but I have no respect for Bishop McCormack protecting pedophiles.
CONCORD, N.H. -- The New Hampshire House majority leader says he stands by his Facebook post referring to Catholic Bishop John McCormack as a "pedophile pimp." Friday, April 1, 2011.

NH Passes Supermajority amendment- No new taxes without a Supermajority Vote

FYI on how we passed a Constitutional Amendment to ensure that Taxes and fees are not raised without a super majority to protect the Tax Payers in the future. The democrats hated this one as they tried to stop it from passing the House.
The investigative journalism project of Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy

My comments on the Governor's press release regarding Budget

My comments on the Governors press release. Once again the Governor takes no responsibility with the NH Deficit rising to almost 900 million because he feels that the Tax Payers should be paying more taxes to keep up with his spending habits.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Closure Of House Gallery Sparks Lawsuits - Politics News Story - WMUR Manchester

Closure Of House Gallery Sparks Lawsuits - Politics News Story - WMUR Manchester

"Both cases were heard Thursday in Merrimack Superior Court. Twomey said that moments before the hearing, he was notified that O'Brien would reopen the gallery, and it was open later in the afternoon. Twomey said the attorney general's office assured the court that the public wouldn't be banned in the future.

Part II, Article 8 of the New Hampshire Constitution states: "The doors of the galleries, of each house of the legislature, shall be kept open to all persons who behave decently, except when the welfare of the state, in the opinion of either branch, shall require secrecy."

Twomey said that while the House has the right to remove anyone who is disruptive, it can't close its proceedings to the public except in specific circumstances."

NH Collective Bargaining which was an amendment to the budget Passes the House 222-119

‎""If you look at my emails, I've got 8-to-1 support of what we're doing here to protect the taxpayers," said Rep. Al Baldasaro from Londonderry, according to WMUR. Similar efforts by legislatures to change collective bargaining laws in Wisconsin and Ohio ... Wisconsin's governor and Republican lawmakers have said the changes were needed as they grapple to limit spending." AL Baldasaro
State workers and others planned to rally at the New Hampshire capitol Thursday after the state House approved a package that would make changes to collective bargaining laws.

Disrespect from some of the protesters but most are professional.

Today is a great day for Democracy at it's best. Many protesters are looking for honest answers but there are some who are very rude when we walk out of the chambers they go in to the verbal attack but nothing we can't handle. Thank God for the Veteran who gave some and for those who gave all. It's a hard price to be the finest! Al
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State House in Session

8:30 AM Republican Caucus, 9:00 AM House in Session. 9:45-10:20 AM, I had to be in 2 Senate Hearings and then back to the House Chambers. I missed to votes on Democrat Amendments which were expected to be defeated.
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Londonderry HS Senior sings National Anthem at State House in Concord

Nicholas V DeFrancesco Londonderry High School Senior who is the 12th time NH All-State Vocalist did an Awesome job singing the National Anthem to the NH House of Representatives.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Londonderry High School Student Vocalist at State House @ 9:00 AM

NH All-State Vocalist from Londonderry High School, Senior Nick DeFrancesco will perform singing the National Anthem, Thursday, 9 AM at the State House Representatives Hall.

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HB 2 as Amended passes the House with a vote of 222Y - 119N

Large Crowds Expected For Budget Vote - Video - WMUR Manchester

Large Crowds Expected For Budget Vote - Video - WMUR Manchester

Fw: Deputy Majority Leader Sean Jasper

The Evergreen Amendment to stop the Repealed failed by a vote of 155Y - 201N.

Subject: Deputy Majority Leader Sean Jasper
Sean speaks against the Amendment to repeal the Kurt's Amendment, which we should defeat the amendment.
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Deputy Majority Leader Sean Jasper

Sean speaks against the Amendment to repeal the Kurt's Amendment, which we should defeat the amendment.
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HB 580 relative to. NH Retirement System

The Retirement Reform bill passed today with a vote 228Y - 139N which is the house position that will now be sent to the Senate for public hearings. These changes include increased employee contributions, changes in age to receive benefits, maximum benefits entitled to, and years worked to receive the benefit. AL
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CARC 6 relating to taxation...

CARC 6 relating to taxation providing that a 2/3 vote is 
required to pass bills to increase tax and fees. Democrats are fighting it and lost 255Y- 117N

CARC 6 relating to taxation providing that a 2/3 vote is required to pass bills to increase tax and fees. Democrats are fighting it
HCR 19 Affirming States Rights powers passed 242Y-109N


8 AM - Republican Caucus. 9 AM the house will be in session and I will try to keep you posted. Thank You, AL
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